It’s actually kind of funny. All week I have found myself caught with a bad case of writers block…everytime I went to write something substantial it would fall apart. Now, at this exact moment in time, I have several ideas of things to write about, both on the blog and offline. Unfortunately I don’t have the time.
Reason? I have a job interview first thing tomorrow morning…which is never my best time. So, I’m hitting the sack far earlier than usual (like, in 5 minutes) and getting up at the ungodly hour that many of you poor folks have had to do forever.
Second day in a row too. I was up at 5:30am this morning so I could be downtown and somewhat chipper for a movie role (I’ll write about that tomorrow). I need that extra 1/2 hour to just flake out and have a cup of tea before I head out the door…I’m 200% more efficient, and 1000x more pleasant for it.
So, I will leave it at that for the night. From wherever you are, wish me positive thoughts for this job. I’ll let you know what happens.
Best of luck… fingers crossed…