Now I fully understand what the survey results meant. Apparently, when asked whether Rememberance Day was still as significant today as when it was instated, 65% said No.

Just now, as I bowed my head to think of my Grandfather and the other veterans who had served their country with valour, I was dismayed to hear people in the next aisle laughing and actually SHOUTING back and forth to each other in a display of such inconsideration that I was sorely tempted to tell them to “Shut the &*@# up”. This I declined to do as it would have only pulled myself down to their level. So, I gritted my teeth and tried to shut the sounds of their voices, and of printers starting up and phones ringing because they just couldn’t stop for two whole minutes to actually think and ponder the sacrifices made for this country and every other country in the world.

These are the moments when I look at society in general and feel shame.