Had a great time tonight. Rufus, Ric and myself got together for a holiday drinkfest at the local Firkin pub and got a chance to shoot the sh*t about everything from Improv to Digital Cameras. Melanie also came along for the first half of our encounter, but then had to run away to work…’tis ok, it let us thespian types to chat about stuff.

The concept of the impending Improv troupe was the main reason I wanted to get together (ok ok, drinks and good friends were important too, but hey…), and I felt we came along way towards the first step…coming up with names. The name I came up with was good yet conservative. Ric, being the great ideas man that he is came up with some names which were more whimsical, yet perfect. I’m still going to be a grouch and keep things under wraps for now, at least until I can come up with different campaigns for each name – then we can all fight about which one works the best.

Geez. I’m now pretty freakin’ tired, and have to work in the morning. Time to call it a day. Cheers!