I’ve been experiencing some nostalgia over the last week or so, largely brought upon by the unfortunate deaths of a couple of my older friends.  This brought me to take a look at the old blog and I realized just how much time had passed since I added an entry.  Almost eleven months….{smack}…BAD TIM, BAD!
I’ve actually been formulating a couple major topics…some of which were inspired by the aforementioned passings, and others inspired by a speech I delivered for the International Speech Contest called ‘Refine Your Anger’.  Additionally, I’ve been working on getting the technical side ready so that I could begin doing some podcasting.  I love to speak, and feel that I could put on a really good show with assistance of a bunch of good friends of mine.  It pays to have a long background in theatre, improv and Toastmasters…you never run out of content and/or people willing to speak with you.

Expect to see cool things coming soon.

Favourite podcast listened to today: Stuff You Missed in History Class