

From The Top

Every seat in the chamber was filled.  Chests pounding and faces distorted with chaotic tension, the faces of young and old alike, eyes wide and cheeks flushed with anticipation.  Hands and buttocks alike clenched and unclenched, feet stamped to the floor as if to...

Remember You

Day Five of Tim's 12 Days of Writing Challenge As incredible as it is to consider, December 27th, 2022 marked what would have been my Grandfather Norton's 106th birthday.  There has not been a year since 1993 that I had found myself pained with the echoed sense of...

Never Too Late

Crispness against the skinSharpness,  biting,  soberingA viscid fog of steam Waves of exertion, exhaustionPushed onwards, ever forwardsA place of sanctuaryOf connection, of familiaritySoul wretched and worried It might be too late Ankle deep in grains of iceShoes...


Day Three of Tim's 12 Days of Writing Challenge Flash.  A sudden gasp as the world just seemed to explode around her.  Spinning and twisting, the screech of metal and something else that she could not quite identify torturing her senses.  No time to react....


Day Two of Tim’s 12 Days of Writing Challenge Dawn was barely breaking above the trees as Tommy excitedly jumped out of bed, threw off his pajamas  and began dressing himself with a gleam in his eye.  Most importantly, he grinned as he pulled on the special shirt he...

A Light In The Void

Ella was not a religious person naturally, but she squeezed her eyes tight and prayed to whatever deity she could think of for the end of this nightmare. To pray for resolve. To pray for a savior.


Editors Note: Migrated from original blog on 2022-12-30Poem written while listening to: Angel Julian -  Paris Café Running through the leavesArms akimboA delicate displayOf Red, Yellow and OrangeFalling back we stare upAt the brilliant bluesThe world spins around...

Thursday Distraction: Small

Photo by Daniel CheongSmallThe wheels of the giant train squealed, bringing him out of his wondering thoughts.  With giddy glee he looked up at the map and saw that the next station was the one they were getting off at.  The pressure he exerted on his...

Poetry Friday: Denied

DeniedEntrenched in our expectationsWe anticipate a resultPositive to our wantAnything less is defiedThe world can have other plansAn outcome unmatched Shock and terror tear usWhen we are deniedBroken of our hubrisWe must go with the flowNot allow a challenge to rout...

Poetry Friday: Rhythm Inside

Rhythm InsideThe heart sings a balladPassionate and verboseExperience and contemplationWrite the melodyEchoes of tears long shedRage and triumphMixed with peaceful joyCreate harmonies withinA toe tap, a finger snapDrawn into a powerful beatShrugging away the...

Blog Entries

Team Chorebusters Commercial

Team Chorebusters Commercial

Marlene at Team Chorebusters has been such a good friend that when she asked if I would fill in for her at BNI this morning, I decided to shoot for...

More About Me

Writer, Actor and Artist

Loves to create.

Information Technology

Proficient as a Software Developer, PC builder and instructor.

Volunteer and Community Developer

Member of Rotary International.

Get in touch

(416) 871-5744

Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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